The tartan (15th-16th century), kilt (18th century) note Scottish clans have been wearing kilts in the style as seen in the movie since the 16th century.

That being said, there are references to recently fighting both the Romans (a 5th century at the latest) and the Vikings (8th-11th century), and there's a hodgepodge of features (clothing, weaponry, and the like) from a wide range of eras. Anachronism Stew: Where to begin? The film is meant to portray a medieval fantasy Scotland, so The Time of Myths can be easily invoked.Ambiguous Situation: At the end, did Elinor transform back to a human because the sunlight had to shine on the tapestry before it'd work ("mend the bond" literally), or did she transform because Merida finally acknowledged that she was the cause of her mother's predicament and tearfully told her she loved her ("mend the bond" metaphorically?) Or were both needed?.All of Them: Merida offers to use her expensive necklace to buy all the woodcarvings from the witch under the condition of also purchasing a spell.Also, just as King Fergus has restored order during the brawl between Clans MacGuffin, Mac Kintosh and Dingwall, the boys drop a mace on Lord Dingwall's foot and his scream of pain starts the whole bloody thing up again.Agony of the Feet: During a caber-tossing game, a man has a caber land on his foot, making him scream in pain.

Considering how Mor'du's story wound up, she either thought that granting Merida's request would release Mor'du and end well for her or just didn't care.

Action Dress Rip: Merida during her archery contest.Dingwall: I was aiming at you, you big tumshie!