The command on the right (after the &) is: install rootterminal So, the system will try and execute install which will give an error because it needs at least two arguments. If you hit a problem or have feedback, leave a comment below. This will read the repositories and update the list of software that you can install. In this tutorial, you have learned about installation of Anydesk on Ubuntu 20.04 system. Once launched, you will get the window displayed below. Once the installation is completed, use the application manager to search AnyDesk.Ĭlick on the ‘AnyDesk’ icon to launch the application. Now, install AnyDesk in ubuntu system using below command: sudo apt install anydesk Step 4: Launching AnyDesk Once the repository is added, update the package lists as shown: sudo apt update Unix - In Unix operating system you can locate the file at HOME/.config/pip/pip.conf macOS - For mac user the location should be HOME/Library/Application Support/pip/pip.conf Windows - For windows user its located at APPDATApippip. Alternativly, you can also install Anydesk from the PPA provides by the official team. You can directly download the Anydesk Debian file from the official download page. wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add - Step 3: Install AnyDesk on Ubuntu 20.04 As of v1.11, you can now download and install. Lets add the GPG key using one-liner that will download and add public key. AnyDesk is a remote access tool, freely accessible for non-commercial use, to control desktops and other network devices remotely.Its used by millions of users. Its recommended to use a new virtual environment for installing Prodigy. Once the update is complete, proceed to the next step. To get started, be sure to update your system package index, type: sudo apt update System login with sudo privileged account.Step 3: Install AnyDesk on Ubuntu 20.04.This way you won’t have much trouble using it. To get the latest version of ImageMagick, it is necessary to compile the source code of ImageMagick. Install the latest version of ImageMagick on Ubuntu 22.04 | Linux Mint 21 Now, you will learn how to get the latest version. One of the best things about this tool is that it is open source and free, and it has excellent support for Linux. ImageMagick can resize, flip, mirror, rotate, distort, shear and transform images, adjust image colors, apply various special effects, or draw text, lines, polygons, ellipses, and Bézier curves. It supports many available formats and is presented for Linux without a lot of fuss. The ImageMagick tool is a library with which you can create, edit, compose, or convert digital images. In this post, you’ll learn how to install the latest version of ImageMagick on Ubuntu 22.04 | Linux Mint 21