We will explain the installation and configuration procedure of Dropbox on the Ubuntu 20.04 LTS system through the terminal commands in this article.

Dropbox client applications are supported on all operating platforms like Linux (Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS, etc), Windows, and MacOS. If you need to get more additional space then, you can buy the pro-Dropbox version. When a user creates a free Dropbox account, a 2GB free space is allocated for storing data. So that it’s very beneficial for creating the backing up of your important documents, MP3 files, pictures, video files, and many other types of data. It offers various services such as cloud storage, personal cloud, and client software. Most computer users don’t know about Dropbox and its use, for those people, Dropbox is a very useful file synchronization and sharing service that allows you to synchronize files between different computer systems over the network for free.